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The Hill at Furnace Brook
****ALERTS**** > Parking Lot Pavement August 4th to 8th
Parking Lot Pavement August 4th to 8th
Jul 22, 2023 --

Please be advised the parking lot is scheduled to be re-paved August 4th to 8th.  

All vehicles need to be off the parking lot by 7am on Friday August 4, 2023 so old pavement can be pulverized and graded.  Vehicles can then return in evening after 6pm.

On the following Monday, vehicles must be off the parking lot by 7am August 7, 2023 and not return until Tuesday August 8, 2023 after 5pm - so lot can be paved and striped.

Vehicles not removed will be towed at vehicle owner's expense.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website.  Please refer to the original documents.