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The Hill at Furnace Brook
****ALERTS**** > Fire Alarm Testing Thursday August 9
Fire Alarm Testing Thursday August 9
Aug 2, 2018 --
Date: August 02, 2018
Subject: Semi-Annual Fire/Sprinkler Alarm Test: Thursday, August 9th starting at 8AM

Dear Residents,


The semi-annual fire alarm test INCLUDING UNITS and the sprinkler test with Mass Fire will be on Thursday, August 9th starting at 8AM.  


This should take approx. 4 hours. You are required to be home for this annual test or have a representative or neighbor with a key. Failure to gain access to your unit will result in a $90 per unit rescheduled inspection.


Thank you,

Great North Property Management, as Agent

Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website.  Please refer to the original documents.