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The Hill at Furnace Brook
****ALERTS**** > Snow Removal Policy for Parking Spaces
Snow Removal Policy for Parking Spaces
Jan 21, 2012 --

 A reminder for the Winter months, if you are able, please move your vehicle(s) to a cleared parking space when the snow removal truck passes through especially at the end of a snow event.


If unable to time the snow removal truck then please remove the snow around your vehicle if you are able or you may be subject to fines.


The goal is to allow all parking spaces to be cleared of snow and ice.


You may use the shovels when available at the rear exit to help clear around your vehicle.


Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.



Click here for Snow Removal Policy memo regarding Parking Spaces

Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website.  Please refer to the original documents.